The State of the World's Human Rights 2008

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Well, couple of bumps getting it out the front door, as well as having to deal with a killer 6am launch time to coordinate the global media strategy, but the mighty mighty AI web team managed in the wee hours of the morning and well in time for the first of or media blitz interviews with CNN.

People still face torture in 81 countries around the world, unfair trials in 54 and cannot speak freely in 77 countries.

Massive props to the early morning hours crew that did the final push to get it out as well as all the people throughout the Secretariat and DUs who made it possible. I think it’s difficult for anyone outside the organization to understand what a massive undertaking this is or how many resources are involved in bringing it to fruition.

At some point, I hope someone is going to feed me and let me go home to sleep.

[Update: 7.22 AM BST - We just moved up to the most viewed story on and this article just made the CNN home page. The Beeb also gave us a high profile mention as well.

[Update 2: 2.52 PM BST - We also managed to get mentioned in the NYTimes and the Guardian Online ]*