
I build technology products, companies, and teams. Mostly with code and data. Usually successfully.

Details available in my CV .

I’m currently VP Product and Acting VP Engineering at Blackpanda , Asia’s leading cybersecurity, incident response, and cyberinsurance startup. We’re building resilience for SMEs across APAC building a platform to prepare for, prevent, and respond to cyberattacks.

2023 - VP Product & Acting VP Engineering Blackpanda Hong Kong
2020 - 2023 Global VP Data Delivery Hero Singapore/Berlin
2017 - 2020 VP Data Traveloka Singapore/Jakarta
2013 - 2017 Managing Director, APAC Pivotal Labs/Neo Innovation Singapore

Further back, I notably headed global technology at Amnesty International , the world’s largest human rights organization, and was Directeur Technique of France’s 5th largest private investment bank .

Off work, I’m an avid traveller and involved with conservation, science, and wildlife causes. I study astrophysics for personal interest (and future PhD aspirations). I code open source and personal projects in Go, Python, and Ruby. I strive to scribble good tales, well told. And I’m an over-enthusiastic snowboarder, snorkeler, and animal-chasing trekker.

For secure communications, please use my main gpg public key , id 3F20 A015 3E1D 7043. You can import it directly into gpg with curl https://keybase.io/wakatara/pgp_keys.asc?id=3F20A0153E1D7043 | gpg --import.