Pushing Kobayashi

Some quiet holiday time has finally given me the chance to polish up the code I wrote earlier this year and finally release my blog engine.

Kobayashi is finally out in the world in at least a first release form with a few tests, a basic theme and working code.

I wrote more extensively about why I’d write a blog engine here .

Kobayashi’s built to handle large blogs and still be damn fast and cache and act as if the entire site was static so (hopefully) hold up under high loads with highly optimized caching using memcache and etag http caching. The whole thing runs on heroku with a simple push.

Would love some feedback. It’s still fairly basic, tests are incomplete and omg I’d kill for a real designer to give me a nice basic, responsive theme, but interested in feedback, pull requests and advice on refactoring and improving it are also always appreciated.

Oh, and while the code is slightly refactored, the core code has been running Tundramonkey here for the last six months. I’m really happy with it, but there’s always room for improvement. You see any problems, please file any issues in the Github tracker .

Pushing Kobayashi, my new fast, hackable, Sinatra-based blog software.

Daryl Manning


201 Words

2012-12-28 22:12 +0900